Friday, August 28, 2015

[comfort food for the human self}

{Fill your body with the right nutrition, and it will do amazing things for you.
Treat your body like the temple that it is, and it will live on strong and able.
Love and respect your body, and that love and respect will shine through you.}

Human. It is what we are. A blatantly obvious fact of life and nature so engraved in our subconscious that we don't even wince at the word. We know what we are, for it has only been taught to us through years of science courses, through interactions with other members of the exclusive 'human' club, and of course,  through cable TV.

Homo Sapiens:the species of bipedal primates to which modern humans belong.

But beyond this surface dictionary definition comes the idea that we are human, as in we are imperfect, as in we make mistakes, as in we stumble, cry, get angry, and gorge at the sight of chocolate chip cookies and ice cream cake.

I am human, and I will freely admit that as a human, I at times find a certain difficulty mainting a certain goal: eating properly, working out (yatta yatta.)

The important thing is not to dismay on the natural tendencies that may drive us to make very human decisions that may not necessarily serve beneficial, but rather to make an attempt every chance we have to act on things that will better us as , well, humans.

So, in celebration of working towards bettering ourselves, our minds, and our bodies, I am pleased to present you all with a delicious recipe that is kind to the taste buds, and even kinder to our very own human bodies.

What you will need:

- Organic Frozen White Shrimp

-1 cup of Broccoli

-Mixed Greens of Choice

-Seasonings: Salt, pepper, garlic, tumeric, and paprika (optional)

-Tablespoon of Organic tomato Sauce

-Olive Oil

How to:

Begin by thawing your frozen shrimp, and then sprinkle the desired amount of salt, pepper, tumeric, and paprika. After seasoning, begin sautéing the shrimp with about a cap full of olive oil. Pour a tablespoon of organic tomato sauce, and stir. Continue sautéing on Medium heat for  a time of 10 minutes.

As the shrimp warms on the stove, slice an avocado into cubes. Season the avocado with a little olive oil,  and a  pinch of salt and pepper.

Once the shrimp has finished sautéing, lay on a bed of mixed greens. Add the sliced avocado and broccoli to perfect your bed of absolute deliciousness. Take it that extra mile and spice up your mouth watering masterpiece with sautéed broccoli if so desired.

And there is is my friends; an extremely simple and quick way to nourish and reward our very human bodies.

And with that I sign Off,

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