Monday, August 25, 2014

Hello Lovelies!

I feel like it has been forever since I had the opportunity to  update this blog; my life for the past couple of weeks has been nothing less then hectic as I was packing and preparing for my big University move!  Nothing exemplifies college preparation more than frantic rushes to Bed Bath and Beyond, dorm checklists, and 7 hour car drives...all in a days work I assume?

Although I am undoubtedly excited about this new chapter of my life, I also have come to a sudden realization. Everything I have ever known has been so consistent in the past 18 years; I have molded myself around a routine of the same everyday life. Now, alone in a new city, with unfamiliar faces, and unfamiliar circumstances, it has dawned on me how different life will be. My once comfortable state is no more. For the next few weeks, my days will consist of constant experimentation, and exploration; discovering this new life, this new routine. I began to stress; how could I make it all work? How can I continue this fitness journey? How can I continue running a blog, when my sources, time, and space is so limited?

It will be hard. No doubt. Hard, but impossible? I don't think so.

You see,  through all that I am experiencing, I have already been taught my first lesson. When you want something bad enough; you fight for it. No matter how hard, no matter how long the journey will be, no matter how many doubtful opinions you will encounter, the will to fight for your dreams should be worth so much more.

I want to  inspire,  to motivate, to climb a hierarchy of all things health. I want to go places I never thought possible, both physically, mentally, and spiritually. I want my life to be more than just a constant battle to survive; to stay above water. I want it to be uplifting, with my wildest imaginations awakening on a daily. Yes I am college student. Yes I am limited. I don't have access to all the food I had access to before. I don't have all the time that summer offers as a luxury to many. I may not have all the privacy that I was so accustomed to before ( I share my dorm with a very nice girl I only just met).

I do, however,  have my ambition, and that is all that matters. I may not have an immense following, but I will work hard for the following I do have. The fact that strangers are so willing to allow my pictures, words, and perspectives to enter into their lives on such an indirect but personal platform such as social media, fills me with an immense sense of pride, purpose, and excitement. I want to continue to offer everything I have, and more.

So I am going to face this challenge head on; I plan to continue my fitness and health journey with more strength, more dedication, and more passion than before. Everything from how to eat clean on a budget, to how to maintain health and fitness goals when peer pressure threaten to hinder them will be featured.  I have a new game plan for this blog: I am so eager to motivate myself to maintain this healthy lifestyle I have fought so hard for, and I can not wait to share it with you all.

I refuse to allow such challenges to forbid me from continuing what I started. I will stay dedicated. 

It is as if an awakening occurred within me in the past few days, in between the hustle and bustle of moving that I have recently experienced. I realized how important dedication truly is. Dedication is what brings you to that next level, what will hoist you to success. Dedication is what separates the average, from the extraordinary.

Nothing is unatainable, or too far from reach. Make today the day you decide nothing, absolutely nothing is in your way. No force is greater than your ambition. Work hard, play hard, be kind, be humble, be dedicated. If you have the opportunity to pave your own roads, why not take it?

Stay tuned; I am determined to make make Raw & Refreshed only bigger and better.

And with that I sign off--XO Adri

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