Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Berry time: Blueberry Edition!

Hello Lovelies!

As mentioned many a time before, I have been surfacing from a hectic transition into the "real world" (university). I make myself laugh sometimes with how mellow dramatic I sound...

Anyway, on to the topic of today's discussion! It touches upon one of my savior foods in the past few days (well since ever, but especially in the past few days); a food that I know is very familiar with everyone, especially within the fitfam community...blueberries! Blueberries are most definitely amongst my favorite fruit (but then again, there is a very minimal percentage of fruit that I do not consider to be amongst my favorite fruit, lets be real) I consume it on a daily; in my smoothies, as an oat topping, as a mid day snack. They are just so seemingly easy and perfect to consume, am I right? This morning, as I was whipping my daily pre-workout smoothie, which consisted of mostly blueberries, I decided what the heck, why not perform a little more research on the little blue bundle of joy I am so fond of.

I was absolutely astonished to come across all the amazing benefits of the blue super foods. Here are some that of my favorite benefits that I gathered:

1. Blueberries are jam packed with antioxidants including: Anthocyanin, Vitamin C, B complex, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, copper, selenium, zinc, and iron. In fact, blueberries have one of the highest antioxidant capacities among all fruits, vegetables, seasonings, and spices. 

So what are antioxidants
    Antioxidants help combat free radical that can potentially cause damage to cellular structures, including DNA; they are very important for optimized health for the body.

2. Blueberries also benefit blood sugar regulation. They do this because of their low GI, or glycemic index. Glycemic Index is a way of determining and identifying the impact that food can potentially have on our blood sugar levels, after we have ingested and digested the food.

A study that was presented at a mental biology conference in 2009, demonstrated that a blueberry rich diet can lower cholesterol levels, and lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes by improving and regulating glucose control, as well as insulin sensitivity.

Other amazing benefits include ( and the list goes on..)

3. Boosts the immune system, while also working to prevent infection.

4. Aids in reduction of belly fat, as well as other risk factors for metabolic diseases,

5. Aids in the health of the urinary tract

6. Promotes dietary benefits and cures to many heart diseases because of high fiber and antioxidant count, and ability to dissolve any bad cholesterol.

7. Help maintain a great mood, since they are lovely anti depressants.

8. Keeps you fresh, close to nature, and sharp! Natures candy, and superfood!

For more in depth info you can visit these sites:

Have a lovely day, and enjoy your blueberries!

And with that I sign off--XO Adri

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