Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Living Simply & Fully Series: Recipe Idea

School, or work, or both is back in session,  and you are crazy busy! Days seem to get shorter, and wallets seem to feel lighter. While I may not be completely certain that this is true for all, it is definitely my reality lately! College is no joke, and living in the adult world is only sometimes fun. Just teasing; there is simply a much greater need for preparation and planning, in order to have a successful day to day, especially when it concerns maintaing a healthy lifestyle. Trust me, it hasn't been completely easy, but then again, anything new is never not challenging. Therefore I am prepared to enlighten every challenge that ventures my way with arms wide open! (At least I'm trying my best;)

So for this next post, I decided to start a living simply but fully series, where I post ideas that are simple enough to fit within your busy day, and within your hefty budget, all while not stomping all over your daily fitness and health goals.

For today's post, I am featuring one of my simple & cheap foodie "recipes"(I point out the quotation marks specifically for the purpose that this is so simple it is almost a crime to refer to as a recipe, but we'll just go with it) No kitchen, no kitchen supplies, and not a lot of food options? No problem! All you need for this breakie or snack idea is any toast of your choice, any nut butter of your choice, and some apples and naners (my term for bananas).

I love Udi's gluten free raisin bread, because:

1. It's gluten free
2. Its raisin bread (which I am obsessed with)
3. Its absolutely delicious!

It's the perfect toast for morning time goodness, and for pre-workout fuel.

I paired it with my favorite nut butter; all organic peanut butter, and topped one toast with apple slices, while the other with yummy naners!

I ate this simple breakfast before a HIIT, and it was able to sustain me and provide me with sufficient energy to go about my workout and bust my booty!

I want to take on my new life full force, and I hope creating a series of ways to live simply yet fully, will guide me, and you as well! Lets be honest, there is nothing better than sweet simplicity;)

Stay tuned!

And with that, I sign off--XO Adri

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