I have always been one to wanderlust; to dream of far away places, and bask in the different cultures, lifestyles, and people that I could only fathom in my imagination. Ever since I can remember, I have always been filled with a great curiosity for the world that surrounded me. The thought that there are so many sights left unseen by my eyes, so many alien experiences awaiting, leaves me perplexed and anxious. The thought that I could live my whole life restrained only to the quatrains of what I have known for the past 18 years baffles me even more, and scares me out of my wits. I know that the desire to travel is one I share with many, and I know that is is also a yearning so rarely achieved. To have the opportunity to travel the world, and breathe in the aroma of different scents, taste the ingredients of another culture, and embrace the colors, light, and history of other portions of the globe unfamiliar to me, is a treasure; no, adventure of life that I so desperately pray to embark on one day. For now, as I escape into a dreamers paradise daily, I decided the only way to tame my crazy obsession for travel, is to create a bucket list. A bucket list that is distinctive in all things travel; a list that keeps me inspired, and hopeful. Hopeful that one day, I will be able to scratch each destination off. I call it My Travel Bucket List:

Eat a gelato in Italy
(picture credit: Walks of Itay Published July 19th 2011 walksofitaly.com)
Boat ride in Venice, Italy
(Photo Credit: wallpapersus.com)
Eat a genuine pizza from a genuine italian restaurant in Italy
(Photo credit: placesiwishiwere.tumblr.com)
Visit the beaches of Greece
(Photo Credit: photo.elsoar.com, Amazing Photos, published February 28th 2013 by Art of Pic)
Ride up the hills of Santorini, Greece by donkey
(Photo Credit: Herschel Supply Company herschelsupply.com/greece/)
Visit Red Beach in Santorini, Greece
(Photo Credit: Herschel Company, herschelsupply.com/greece/)
Go on a photo frenzy in Notting Hill
(Photo Credit: computerexpertlodon.com)
Visit Sydney, Australia
(Photo Credit: wallpapergalaxy.com)
Visit Gold Coast Australia
(Photo Credit: mrwallpaper.com)
Moonlight walk under the Eiffel tower
(Photo Credit: miriadna.com)
Visit the Louvre
(Photo Credit: cambridgescholarsprogramme.com/paris)
Visit the Taj Mahal
(Photo Credit: mapsofworld.com)
Learn to surf in Oahu, Hawaii
(Photo Credit: blog.focuswebtv.gr/)
Trek The Great Wall of China
(Photo Credit: telegraoh.co.uk)
To eat a Mickey Mouse icecream in every Disney amusement park in the world
(Photo Credit: thecarpetbaggernyc.wordpress.com/tag/girls-eating-ice-cream/)
To Be Continued....
None of the photos are mine; all photo credit is listed under each photo.
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