One of my favorite past times is spending countless of my well wasted hours scrolling through endless feeds of foodie instagrams. To be quite honest, I think it can turn into quite an obsession; one that I am sure to share with many! I love exploring new ways of providing nutrition for our bodies, and finding inspiration to maintain my healthy eating lifestyle. I have noticed that we all eat differently; no one is ever obliged to eat a certain way, especially to achieve their (fitness) goals. Just with exercise, our food consumption, and what we consume, is a learning process. It is important to remember that what works for some, may not necessarily work for others, both on a physical and psychological sense. It is all trial and error; as long as the intent to maintain a nutritious whole food eating habit is there, than it becomes up to the individual to decide how they incorporate this within their lifestyle.
I was trying to come up with a name for how I eat; I am not completely vegan, yet I don't consume dairy. I am gluten -free, and I strive to eat strictly plant based, with a side of salmon or other fish sources. This is just what works best for my fitness, health, and ethical based goals. So what in the world do I classify myself? I was talking with my mom on the topic (because I never know what to tell people without spending an hour explaining) and she said it perfectly: a plant-based pescatarian!
I digress; besides that point, I decided to make a post about my favorite plant based proteins, since I base my diet on plant based options over anything else (and by anything else I mean fish).
So, as someone who tries to eat a plant based lifestyle most of the time, I am on this continuos adventure of discovering ways I can add protein to each of my meals. In the beginning, I feared that eating a plant based diet wouldn't support my fitness goals. I am a very active individual, so it is important to incorporate protein to my diet to assist with muscle recovery. I don't stagger too far from my salmons or tuna, however I do try to investigate how I can create meals that don't necessarily need a fish protein, to be considered protein rich!
If you are a considerably active or athletic individual, who strives to achieve a mostly plant based lifestyle, it is important to know which plant based proteins are ideal!I was surfing the web the other day, and I discovered a great diagram so to speak, that lists alternative proteins that can be added and mixed to any meal.
I don't consume all of the proteins that are displayed (e.i the greek yogurt) however the list includes some of my favorites that I wish to share!
Quinoa: I love quinoa in my salads at lunchtime, and in my pancakes for breakfast.
Black Beans: I love black beans in salads, or mixed in with brown rice.
Protein powder: This is an obvious one, but it has many uses; in smoothies, shakes, pancake batter, cookie batter.
AVOCADO: I am obsessed with avocados. I love them for breakfast, on top of toast, in salads, and as guacamole!
Chia seeds: Not only do chia seeds have many amazing health benefits, but the are also sneaky little things that can be added to just about anything without altering the taste. I add chia seeds into my smoothies, my baking goods, my overnight oats, and on top of salads.
Peas: Peas are a great side to any dish, but I love my peas in a thick soup form. My favorite is a thick split pea soup blend.
Greek Yogurt: I personally bypass the greek yogurt because I have somewhat an intolerance to dairy, and because it is not necessarily plant-based, however if you are not concerned with this, it is a great way to add protein to smoothies, parfaits, baking goods, and salad toppings.
Eggs: Every once in a while, my body craves eggs. They are a great source of protein in the mornings, especially after a fasted cardio session. Although not plant based, I still enjoy eggs on top of toast speared with avocado from time to time.
Almonds: Almonds are another sneaky source of protein that can be added to just about anything: parfaits, oats, smoothies, salads, snacking, and as a dish side.
Broccoli: It may come a s a surprise, but broccoli is a super veggie that is also has a nice amount of protein per head.
Here are some more visual charts for anyone looking to incorporate plant based proteins into their diets:
( via:
Again, this is the lifestyle that works best for me as an individual; I am in no way promoting this way of life to anyone who is unsure of it! I simply hope these visuals serve some help to anyone who wants to explore eating plant based, is active and want to adequately support their body, or anyone else who is simply looking to expand their healthy eating!
And with that I sign off--XO Adri